There are many ways to become a better photographer, and the best approach will depend on your goals and needs. And with todays technology, the only camera you really need, is your phone. Here are a few tips that may be helpful:

  1. Practice regularly: The more you practice photography, the more you will improve your skills. Try to take photos as often as you can, and experiment with different settings and techniques.
  2. Learn from others: Look for opportunities to learn from experienced photographers, whether through online tutorials, workshops, or classes. You can also get feedback and inspiration from other photographers by joining online communities or participating in photo challenges.
  3. Experiment with different cameras and lenses: Different cameras and lenses have different capabilities and characteristics, and experimenting with different options can help you understand how they affect your photos.
  4. Understand your equipment: To get the most out of your camera and lenses, it’s important to understand how they work and what their limitations are. This can help you make informed decisions about settings and techniques.
  5. Pay attention to composition: Composition is an important aspect of photography, and it can make a big difference in the impact of your photos. Pay attention to the placement of elements in your frame and try out different compositions to see what works best for you.
  6. Take time to edit your photos: Post-processing can help you bring out the best in your photos and give them a polished look. Learn how to use photo editing software like Adobe Photoshop or Lightroom to adjust exposure, color, and other settings.
Source: Adobe Stock

The best way to become a better photographer is to practice regularly, learn from others, and experiment with different techniques and tools. With time and effort, you will develop your own style and improve your skills.

Here are some websites that offer free courses on photography:

CreativeLive: This website offers a variety of free live and on-demand photography courses, covering topics like portrait photography, landscape photography, and more.

MIT OpenCourseWare: This website offers free access to a range of courses from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, including a course on photography.

edX: This online learning platform offers a range of photography courses, including an introductory course on the principles of photography. have 21 tips for the beginner

These websites offer a range of free courses and resources on photography, covering topics from the basics to more advanced techniques.

But what we have experienced, youtube offers a lot of good videos:


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