From personal experience we know it’s hard to pick up a instrument and actually get beyond the first steps, but learning to play a musical instrument can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience.

Here are a few steps you can follow to get started:

  1. Choose an instrument: The first step in learning to play a musical instrument is to choose the one that you want to learn. Of course you need to consider factors like budget, and availability of resources. But a personal recommendation: choose a instrument you desire to learn!
    Buy a used instrument, and if you are lucky, maybe you get it for free.
  2. Find a teacher or resource: Once you have chosen an instrument, you will need to find a teacher or resource to help you learn. This could be a private instructor, a music school, or an online course. Consider your learning style and budget when deciding on a resource.
  3. Practice regularly: Consistent practice is essential for making progress on any musical instrument. Set aside a regular time to practice, and try to stick to a consistent schedule.
  4. Learn the basics: Start by learning the basic techniques and skills that are specific to your chosen instrument, such as proper hand positioning, basic chords or scales, and proper posture.
  5. Experiment with different styles and techniques: As you become more comfortable with the basics, try branching out and experimenting with different styles and techniques. This can help you develop your own voice and style as a musician.

Learning to play a musical instrument requires dedication, patience, and consistent practice. With the right approach, however, you can develop your skills and become a proficient musician.

It’s “impossible” to point to every single instrument and free online courses, but here are some tips for where you can look:

YouTube tutorials: There are many YouTube channels that offer tutorials and lessons on how to play a wide range of musical instruments. These can be a good resource for learning the basics and getting started.

Online courses and lessons: Websites like Coursera and edX offer a range of online courses and lessons on musical instruments, many of which are available for free. These courses can be self-paced and may include video lectures, exercises, and projects.

Music education apps: There are many music education apps available that offer lessons and exercises on how to play different instruments. Some of these apps are free to download, while others offer a limited number of free lessons before requiring a subscription.


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